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Allá, Aya, Halla and Haya



Allá (over there) is an adverb that expresses location. It refers to a place far away, farther than "aquí" (here) and "ahí" (there). It is a two-syllable word and it must be pronounced /a-yá/, with emphasis on the second "a", to avoid confusion with the homophonics "haya" and "aya" /á-ya/ and "halla" /á-ya/, two-syllable words with emphasis on the first "a".

Allá en esas montañas tan lejanas, hay un lago precioso rodeado de hermosos árboles.
Over there in those far aways mountains, there is a beautiful lake surrounded by beautiful trees.

Los libros de Historia están allá arriba en el altillo de mi habitación.
The History books are over there in the high cabinets of my bedroom.

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