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Course Introduction

1. Nouns & Articles

2. Ser & Estar

3. Nouns & Adjectives

4. Regular Verbs

5. Ser/Estar (Past Tense)

6. Core Irregular Verbs (Present & Past)

7. Imperfect

8. Adverbs

9. Prepositions

10. Stem-changing Verbs - Part 1

11. Stem-changing Verbs - Part 2

12. Imperfect vs. Preterite

13. Syntax: Objects Overview

14. Past Participles & Present Perfect

15. Irregular and Go-verbs (Present)

16. Verbs with Irregular Yo-forms (Past)

17. Direct Object Pronouns

18. Indirect Object Pronouns, Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns Together

19. Reflexive Verbs

20. Verbs like Gustar

21. Present & Past Progressive

22. Past Perfect & Infinitive Constructions

23. Future Simple

24. Conditional

25. The Imperative

Episode #14

Past Participles & Present Perfect

I. Intro

In this lesson, we’re going to learn a simple but very useful new verb form - the past participle. In English, you can form the past participle of regular verbs by adding +ed to the base form of the verb. Examples of regular verb past participles in English are: talked, walked, lived. The past participles of irregular verbs have irregular endings, and are usually formed with something other than -ed (often -en, or t), and some examples of this are spoken, eaten, felt.

Past participles can:
  • Express actions in the present perfect
  • Function as adjectives
  • Express the passive voice
Lucky for us, all of the above information is true in both English and in Spanish! Let’s take a look at how to form the past participle, and then how to use it in Spanish.

II. Forming the past participle

It’s easy. Start with the verb’s infinitive form, drop the -ar, -er, -ir ending and add the following ending:

-ar +ado
-er/-ir +ido

hablar – ar + ado = hablado
comer – er + ido = comido
vivir – ir + ido = vivido

III. Irregular Past Participles

Some irregular verbs have irregular past participle forms, and must be memorized:

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