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News in Slow Spanish

News in Slow Spanish (Latino) Podcast


Join us for our weekly editorial program, where our host shares in-depth analysis of current headlines in real, everyday Spanish.

24 July 2024

Episode #397

17 July 2024

Episode #396

10 July 2024

Episode #395

3 July 2024

Episode #394

26 June 2024

Episode #393

Opinion: Latin America


24 July 2024

Milei retrasa el reloj de los servicios secretos

24 July 2024

La ficción y la violencia regresan a “Cidade de Deus”

24 July 2024

Fernando Botero resucita en Roma

17 July 2024

Jair Bolsonaro acumula procesos judiciales en su contra

17 July 2024

Las desigualdades sociales se intensifican en América Latina