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News in Slow Spanish

News in Slow Spanish Podcast


Join us for our weekly editorial program, where our host shares in-depth analysis of current headlines in real, everyday Spanish.

24 July 2024

Episode #399

17 July 2024

Episode #398

10 July 2024

Episode #397

3 July 2024

Episode #396

26 June 2024

Episode #395

Opinion: Spain


24 July 2024

Vox rompe con el Partido Popular

17 July 2024

La España del porvenir hace historia en la Eurocopa

17 July 2024

Choque en tribunales y vidas destrozadas por el Caso ERE

17 July 2024

En Cádiz, María salva su casa gracias al fútbol

10 July 2024

La estafa de los fondos “verdes” de inversión